Campo di battaglia

Landings in Flushing

Paesi Bassi



Indicazioni stradali

In addition to the landing at Westkapelle, the Allies started the invasion of Walcheren with a landing at Flushing – Operation Infatuate I. Following overnight attacks with fighter-bombers, British landing craft with commandos from Breskens approached the landing area in Flushing, codenamed Uncle Beach, in the early morning of November 1. After the German troops had been put out of action and mines and other obstacles had been cleared, the first troops reached Uncle Beach almost undisturbed due to the darkness. Unfortunately, this calm situation changed rapidly.

When twilight began, the German defence realised what was happening. Arriving landing boats were heavily attacked, fortunately causing only minor damage and few casualties. Meanwhile, the British commander, Lieutenant-Colonel Dawson, set up his command post in the bunker at Oranjemolen.

Now a bridgehead had been successfully secured, new troops could land on Uncle Beach in the afternoon. When darkness fell at the end of the day, a new group of landing craft shuttled the last units towards the bridgehead. However, what began as a successful landing would change into a three-day war in the centre and on the boulevards of the port city.

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Oranjedijk, Vlissingen