
Battle at the Isabellasluis

Paesi Bassi



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From the beginning of the struggle in western Zeeuws-Vlaanderen, the land passage between the nature reserve Braakman and the more southern located Leopold Canal was an important target for the advancing Canadian troops. Prior to their main attack at the Leopold Canal, they carried out a feint attack at the Isabellasluis. The Germans were led to believe that this was the main attack. The Canadian feint was bloodily repelled.

After the successful breakthrough of Canadian units from the bridgehead between Hoofdplaat and the Paulinapolder at Biervliet, the Canadian units were still ordered to conquer the southern Isabellasluis. The objective was to set up a supply route from Belgium and East Zeeuws-Vlaanderen to the Canadian units in the west of Zeeuws-Vlaanderen.

After a short battle, the German units eventually withdrew from the Isabellasluis on October 14. Two days later, the route through Philippine and Isabellasluis became the primary Canadian supply route towards western Zeeuws-Vlaanderen.  

Visit the Zeeuwse Ankers website (Zeeland Anchors) for comprehensive information, personal stories and videos about the Battle of the Scheldt.



Oorlogsmonument, Dijckmeesterweg Philippine