Luogo di interesse

Pomme D’Or Hotel




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During the German Occupation the Pomme D’Or Hotel was the German Naval Headquarters. A large swastika flag hung from its balcony. This all changed on Liberation Day.

12 year old Stan Hockley remembers: ‘I was outside the Pomme D'Or amongst a huge, huge crowd of people and I watched the Army personnel enter the hotel and came out on the Pomme D'Or balcony. [There was] Flag waving and cheering. And they started to throw cigarettes and little packets of sweets and biscuits, I think, and I was only small and I was clambering around on the floor and picking up all the stuff that have been missed, and stuffing my pockets with all these little things, and running home afterwards and laying them out on the table for my sisters and my Mum.’

Those who witnessed Colonel Robinson and Jersey’s Harbourmaster, Captain Harry Richmond, take down the hated swastika and replace it with the beloved Union Flag will never forget it.


Liberation Square, Jersey JE1 3UF