Luogo di interesse

Liberation in Tricht

Paesi Bassi



Indicazioni stradali

The Dutch flag can be seen on the steeple of Tricht's Reformed church in 1945: Germany has surrendered. Soon after the capitulation was announced, the Dutch flag combined with orange pennant appeared in almost every street, to celebrate the liberation.

Despite the German army having capitulated, the troops were still armed. In the first days after the capitulation, an uneasy freedom prevailed. In Zaltbommel, for instance, the first Dutch flag, which was hesitantly put out in the city, was shot at by German soldiers.

After the liberation, the Dutch flag appeared in the streets and in several places members of the Internal Armed Forces, resistance fighters, became publicly known. They rounded up NSB members and others suspected of collaboration. Only between 5 and 8 May the disarmament of German soldiers slowly started and the first Allied troops appeared in villages and towns. They were welcomed en masse by the population, waving their Dutch tricolour flag.

The picture shows the destroyed railway bridge over the river Linge. This railway bridge near Tricht had been blown up by German troops on 17 April 1945. More buildings in the area were destroyed with dynamite. After the war, it was repaired as soon as possible. Within months, a temporary bridge was in place. By 1946, trains could again cross a new bridge.


Kerkstraat 6, 4196 AB Tricht, The Netherlands