
Jews unwelcome

Paesi Bassi



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Jewish residents were required to visibly wear the yellow Star of David with the word 'Jew' in it on their clothing from May 1942. One of the last measures in a long series from 1940 aimed at increasingly separating Jews in the Netherlands as a group from the rest of the population.

On the Zoelenseweg on the municipal border between Zoelen and Tiel was a sign reading 'Jews unwelcome'. On 29 June 1941, three Jews defiantly allowed themselves to be photographed at the sign, the Tiel brothers Levie and Joop Bartels with Eric Sanders in their midst. Sanders was a Jewish friend from Amsterdam who was stationed in Tiel during mobilisation and billeted with the Bartels family. The text on and the shape of the sign still indicates a homemade sign. Later in 1941, as the occupying forces increasingly rigorously enforced the separation of Jewish and non-Jewish residents, small standard prohibition signs with the text 'Forbidden for Jews' appeared everywhere in public places.