
Belgian advance

Paesi Bassi



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In April 1945, soldiers from Belgian Brigade Piron were deployed to the front in the Betuwe. On 17 April, they carried out an attack on the German lines. The brigade's 3rd battalion went into battle near Opheusden, the 1st battalion near Ochten.

The Belgian soldiers were eventually not allowed to continue their attack, but retained their positions. In doing so, they still suffered greatly from the inundation of the region. The water, although a bit lower than it used to be, was still everywhere. Using wooden planks, ladders and doors, they laid walking routes through the villages to get around.

Opheusden was finally liberated on 18 April 1945 by the 3rd Battalion of the Belgian Liberation Brigade (also called the Piron Brigade, named after commander Colonel Piron).

The monument reminds residents of the units of the Belgian 1st Brigade and the US 101st Airborne Division that died during the liberation of Opheusden and the surrounding area.