
For Freedom Museum




Indicazioni stradali

The For Freedom Museum is a museum that focuses on the liberation of West Flanders and the Battle of the Scheldt. Not a single inhabitant of the Zwin region and West-Zeeuws-Vlaanderen was spared repression and hardship between 1940 and 1944. This dark period in our history is the main theme of the museum.

The For Freedom Museum realistically portrays the gloomy times of the Second World War. The unique collection has been build around 3 modules


Dioramas immerse you in the regional history of 1940-1944. Each mannequin tells a personal story. Many Canadian families donated uniforms of their loved ones to the museum.

Monty's Men

In honor of the allied soldiers of the  "21st Army Group" under the command of Field Marshal Bernard Montgomery. Next to an amazing collection of insigna, this module hosts a number of dioramas related to the liberation of the Zwin area – Scheldt pocket.

Wings for Freedom

The theme of this module is the combat in the air during WO II. In cooperation with the Belgian Aviation History Association (Bahaat) an  impressive exhibition of excavated aircraft remains has been setup. All integrated in dioramas.


Ramskapellestraat 91-93, 8300 Knokke-Heist