
Villa Pauly




Indicazioni stradali

This is a private building owned by Dr. Norbert Pauly. From August 1940 onwards the Gestapo had installed their offices on these premises as Dr. Pauly was absent from Luxembourg when the German army invaded the Grand Duchy. It now houses the Luxembourg Resistance Foundation (FONARES), the Foundation for the Memory of the victims of the Shoah and the ‘Comité pour la mémoire de la deuxième guerre mondiale’ (Comittee for the Remembrance of the Second World War).

From 1940 to 1944 the villa was used as the headquarters of the Einsatzkommando der Sicherheitspolizei und des SD (Gestapo).

All people who showed their opposition and or  resistance towards the German policy of annexation of Luxembourg to the German Reich were arrested and brought to the headquarters of the Gestapo to be interrogated.  Sometimes they would also be subjected to torture  before being sent to prison  or concentration camps. The villa’s basement was transformed into prison cells where numerous members of  resistance movements were interrogated and tortured.

The offices of the ’Judenbeauftragter’ (Commissioner for Jews) were located in the same building. On these premises the deportation lists were compiled and the deportations organised.

Two plaques on the outside of the villa commemorate the victims of the Resistance and the 1,300 Jews whose deportation was organised here.

The two plaques read:

‘Villa Pauly / Siège de la Gestapo 1940-1944. Passant, souviens-toi des résistants torturés en ces lieux sous l’occupation nazie’.

‘Passant souviens-toi qu’en ces lieux fut organisée à partir de 1941 la déportation des Juifs du Luxembourg. 1300 enfants, femmes et hommes ont péri dans la tourmente de la Shoah.’ 

(EN: Villa Pauly / Gestapo headquarters 1940-1944. Passers-by, remember the Resistance fighters tortured here during the Nazi Occupation'.

Passers-by, remember that this is where the deportation of Luxembourg's Jews was organised from 1941 onwards. 1300 children, women and men perished in the torment of the Shoah'.)

The Villa Pauly became the embodiment of brutal Nazi rule in Luxembourg.


57, boulevard de la Pétrusse, Luxembourg City, L-2320, Luxembourg


+352 24 78 22 83