
The Household Cavalry came to reinforce the Polish troops with eight armored cars

Paesi Bassi



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Early in the morning on Friday 22 September 1944, units of the Household Cavalry reached the Polish soldiers under cover of a heavy fog. The Poles were reinforced by eight armoured vehicles with cannons, working radios and 20 soldiers.

Early in the morning on Friday September the 22nd 1944, troops of the ground army coming from the south reached the Polish paratroopers near Driel. From Nijmegen, units of the Household Cavalry had slipped through the German lines. They were lucky that there was a thick fog, so the soldiers were not discovered. They drove into Driel from the west, over the Drielse Rijndijk, without firing a shot. In this way, the Polish troops got reinforcements of eight armored vehicles with cannons, working radios and 20 soldiers.


De Polen van Driel